Webinar | Becoming a smart food factory | Objective International




Recorded webinar (May 27th, 2021)
Spoken language: English






Lieven Vermeiren

Delivery Director at Objective International




Allard Vervoort

Project and Information Manager at bakery de Paauw

Finding the balance between guiding and assisting operators, while also gathering detailed track & trace information is key. A lot of companies administratively register quality info with the soul purpose to meet food safety regulations. For a MOM system the right balance is found when an operator is effortlessly assisted and guided through the process, while capturing all quality and track & trace info in real-time in the background. The implementation from an analog factory to a smart food factory enables customers to safeguard and improve their best practices into a system that operators love to use.

At Objective we try to create this “perfect flow” in which logistics works seamlessly together with production. The place where logistics and production meet is often seen as a major challenge for MOM systems. How to avoid stock break? How not to store to many stock on WIP? How to manage leftovers? For Objective these challenges are basically out of the box configuration as both are managed in the very same software suite.

This webinar will show an example of how an operator can effortlessly be assisted and guided in order to create a premix, while capturing all essential quality info in the background. It will be a good view on how ERP master data and machine data will come alive to the benefit of the operator.

Learn how a stock break detector can assist in planning and what impact a reception quality check can have in production.

Finally, the webinar will be closed with a testimonial of one of our clients, industrial bakery de Paauw. In 2018, they implemented the Objective MES & WMS system, which helped them succeed in meeting the increasing requirements of audits by certification bodies.

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